BERNARDUS medieval music ensemble
Named after the troubadour Bernard de Ventadorn (c1130 - c1200) and his colorful life, BERNARDUS is dedicated to presenting the powerful and rarely heard repertoire of the Middle Ages. Founded in 2008, members Jay White (countertenor) and Craig Resta (medieval strings) form the core of the group, adding other singers, actors, and instrumentalists to suit each program. The combination of music, images, readings, and drama help create the unique experience of the medieval artistic vision, which is a focus of the ensemble and its performances. A compelling feature of BERNARDUS programs is the emphasis on telling a story through performance. With multiple aspects of medieval music being presented simultaneously, this offers an accessible experience for those new to this style, as well those more familiar. Notable appearances include The Boston Early Music Festival (USA 2009), The Princeton Festival (USA 2013), Exeter Cathedral (UK 2016), and Buckfast Abbey (UK 2016). Artist-scholars who have joined BERNARDUS include Anne Harris (DePauw University), Marie McCarthy (University of Michigan), Eric Van Baars (Kent State University), Marla Berg (Kent State University), Sarah Pelletier (Princeton University), Patrick Cogan (Rutgers University), Jefferson & Elaine DeMarco (Carmel Bach Festival), and Richard Bunbury (Boston University), among others.